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Praktiker opened three stores in Romania in 2004, which resulted in increasing the group’s overall retail area by 80 per cent to 43 735 m². One outlet was inaugurated at Temeschwar in May, and at the beginning of June came one in Brasov. The company intends to have a 15 DIY store presence in Romania by the end of 2006. Bricostore also expanded, opening its third outlet in Bucharest on a floorspace of 10 000 m². In October 2004 Beinbrech, a partner in the German I&M Interbaustoff cooperative, opened a building centre in Bucharest. This has a built-up area of 8 000 m², with 1 500 ²2 dedicated to a DIY store. Preparations are being made at Baumax for the group’s entry into the Romanian market. The aim is to begin with the first few stores in Bucharest, then to establish outlets in the five biggest cities as well.
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